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All images and movies presented here are fully protected by copyright and registry, and reproduction for purposes other than private & personal use - i.e. modification, distribution, republication, transmission, re-transmission, or public showing - without the prior written permission of, is strictly prohibited. © 2002 The Jackals Forge, BBC2

Development Stills

various design and shader development stages of different cellular components


Nucleus (nuclear membrane) and the rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Cell membrane and Golgi Apparatus

The Mitochondrion and free radicals

Cytoplasmic cell organelles

The Chromosomes & nucleus environment

Early full cell environment tests

Dna helix strand


this "How To Build" a Human website is a sub site of,
home of computer graphics artist Richard Morris

All images and movies presented here are fully protected by copyright and registry, and reproduction for purposes other than private & personal use - i.e. modification, distribution, republication, transmission, re-transmission, or public showing - without the prior written permission of, is strictly prohibited. © 2002 The Jackals Forge, BBC2